Readers’ wildlife photographs

June 7, 2015


Why Evolution Is True

Reader Bruce Lyons sends some photos of nesting Norther Harriers and a really nice story of their breeding biology and appearance:

In April I found a Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus) nest along the coast north of Santa Cruz in California. Harriers nest on the ground in marshy or brushy areas. Female harriers do all of the incubation but the male brings her food (mostly mice) while she incubates. The food is delivered in an aerial transfer: the female chases the male until he drops the prey item, which the female then snatches before it hits the ground. I knew the harriers had to have a nest in a patch of scrub because I saw several aerial transfers in the spot. In each of these, the male arrived with a mouse, gave his distinctive “I have a mouse” call, which brought the female up off the ground to get…

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Plymouth Sutton & Devonport Labour Party parliamentary selection

July 11, 2013

A number of years ago Tudor Evans (Labour Leader, Plymouth city Council) said that he and those close to him were pursuing a strategy of “appearing loyal” to Linda Gilroy, then MP. for Plymouth Sutton.  Tudor said, “For then we [his own narrow “left establishment” grouplet] will inherit [the local parliamentary canditature].  However, events in the past week or so have shown that this has all been for nothing.  Labour has in fact selected Luke Pollard as prospective candidate for Plymouth Sutton & Devonport constituency, a bland right-winger, in a contest with no left candidate.  So, the whole politics of the local “left establishment” was distorted for years by the career ambitions of Tudor Evans and Jane Jones as individuals, to no end at all.

Labour Party criticise Plymouth Tories for taking waste incinerator decision behind closed doors

May 9, 2012

Tudor Evans, Labour’s new Leader of Plymouth City Council said on 5th May, “so much about the incinerator was hidden from the people and even from councillors”, in Plymouth’s Herald newspaper.   He was savaging the previous Tory administration’s practice of taking important decisions behind closed doors, and in particular the move to build a large waste incinerator in North Yard of Devonport Dockyard, very near houses at Barne Barton.

Does this mean he is committing the freshly elected Labour Coucil to openness in their decisions?  Lets remember that the system of Council Leaders with Cabinets that abolished committees was brought in by the Blair government.

Deborah Wolstonecroft

July 28, 2010

John Williams has written to Labour’s South-west Regional Director, suggesting it expel or distance itself from jailed fraudster Deborah Wolstonecroft. 



28th July 2010

Labour South-west

Regional Director

1 Newfoundland Court
Newfoundland Street
BS2  9AP

Dear Sir,

DEBORAH SUSAN WOLSTONECROFT, wolrige avenue, plympton, plymouth, pl7  2rt

I am writing about the membership or former membership of Deborah Wolstonecroft, South-west Devon CLP.  You may have seen recent national and regional news coverage of her imprisonment for theft or fraud, having stolen from her employer, e.g.

I am suggesting to you that Labour should take internal action against this individual, if still a member, so as to place distance between itself and her criminal activities, among other reasons.  I am certain that she was a Party member in the late 1990s. 

She is the widow of Simon Wolstonecroft, another fraudster, who was involved in running Childslife, a now defunct sham children’s magazine in Plymouth that fleeced local businesses in advertising scams, and who manipulated Labour Party members into writing articles for this magazine.  The late Mr. Wolstonecroft claimed to be a Sunday Times fishing  correspondent, on joining Labour in the mid 1990s, in Plymouth & Devonport CLP.  He is regarded here  as a charlatan. 

Mrs. Wolstonecroft attempted to manipulate Plymouth Labour councillors (including Leader, Tudor Evans) into supporting an employment dispute that she had with Maureen Lawley, a local Conservative councillor who ran a private care home. 

Some of us tried to warn Labour about Mr. And Mrs. Wolstonecroft at the time, but found our concerns not investigated and not taken seriously. 

I hope to hear from you in due course about the current issue herein raised.   

Yours faithfully,

JG Williams,


City of London Deregulation happenned under Thatcher

March 17, 2009

Deregulation of City of London occurred in 1986 (Big Bang), & dereg. of private credit in 1988 or ’89 (i.e. both under Thatcher Govmt.). Neither of them are particularly anything to do with setting up of FSA or independence of Bank of England under Labour.

Also, Labour’s coat-tailing of these policies began under “Prawn Cocktail Offensive” in build-up to 1992 Election, by John Smith & Mo Mowlem, with Kinnock’s approval. It pre-dates New Labour!

I know media are back in mood to knock Brown & Labour, almost come what may, but the above are quite hard facts that need simply be repeatedly stated.

Plymouth Community Partnership

August 9, 2008

So, PCP has been investigating it’s Director’s financial doings, & they’ve been away from work. Are they going to publish the investigation results, or report matters to their funders? Is the Chair going to make a public statement or resign office? They should!

Hello world!

August 1, 2008

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